Figaro d.o.o.
Kulturno Turistična Agencija
Lokavec 173
5270 Ajdovščina, SLO
Tel: +386 01 4315 209
Fax: +386 01 2322 668
Gsm: +386 041 645 721
Over 60 years ago, the world helped Czechoslovakia,
will you now help the world? Czechoslovakia was the first country in the world, in 1960, which, with the support from overseas, eradicated a children’s paralytic disease – poliomyelitis – shortened to Polio. It happened because of a thorough preventitive programme of vaccinating all new born babies. This method, used in Czechoslovakia, was adopted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) later in other countries. One of the leading figures of this whole project for eradicating Polio, right from the beginning, was a Rotarian, later a District Governor of District 2240 for both Czech and Slovak Republics, an immunologist, MUDr. Viktor Príkazský.
The great effort of Rotarians, who from 1988, every year, contribute money, time and skills, as well as personally vaccinating in the field, can hopefully be crowned with the success of completing such immunisation in as yet undiscovered places in the world. Last year, there were only a few cases reported in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. The immunisation events around the world have created new health processes, which have served as vehicles for delivering other necessary care to local populations.
The Rotarians and their Rotary Clubs in the Czech Slovak District 2240 have been involved in this global effort since 1999. We have helped to eradicate polio since then with our donations of circa 4 million Czech crowns.
It is through these joint efforts by Rotary International, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and other world health organisations, that the day is fast approaching when polio will be eradicated from this earth.
We are now very close. Take the last small steps with us! Join us?
The new project END POLIO NOW gives each of us this opportunity.
You can pay for a project END POLIO NOW to the account here.
Restavracija Manes Praga 16.5.2019 ob 19:30
Gradnja galerije Manes je bila zgrajena na mestu nekdanjega mlina Šítkovské v letih 1928 - 1930 na zahtevo Društva umetnikov na predlog arhitekta Otakarja Novotnýja. To je funkcionalni kompleks objektov, ki služi kot razstavni prostor in restavracija. Restavracija je okrašena s stropom fresk Emilja Filla, gradnjo pa je finančno podprl predsednik Tomas Garrigue Masaryk. Ideja Manes Gallery je srečanje ljudi z željo, da bi uživali v lepoti umetnosti v povezavi z izjemno gastronomijo.
Art Restaurant Mánes ponuja odlične češke in francoske jedi s sodobnim zaslonom pod vodstvom kuharja Jaroslava Zahálke. V naši restavraciji je stalna razstava umetniških del. Vrhunec je zagotovo stropna freska Emila Fille, ki sta edinstvena in neprecenljiva. Prav tako lahko uživate v rednih živih klavirskih predstavah.
JAN DUŠEK - piano
Operne in operetne arije: Mozart, Gounod, Čajkovski, Rossini,Verdi,Lehar